DDS Paints Auto Lenders in Exton, Pennsylvania

Under the direction of DeSimone Construction, DDS just completed the painting of the newest Auto Lenders dealership in Exton, Pennsylvania. The job consisted of painting a huge, new, open showroom and sales center along with new offices and an existing space.
The showroom sales center was a big task, and required painting the ceiling deck black while the painting the exposed duct work blue and the walls a white. The service center work consisted of applying striping with Auto Lenders blue color.
Time was of the essence as Auto Lenders planned for its grand opening the first week in March. Thanks to our many Paint Professionals who worked on site over the last few months, especially Dean early on and then Frank who closed out the job and made our customer very happy.
“DDS is doing a good job and the customer is very happy”
– John Pinto, DeSimone Construction